our new addition :: greensboro photographer

On Friday, after nearly four hours of shivering while waiting outside at Greensboro's Friendly Center, we, the Glessners, welcomed our latest addition to the family...

...the iPad 2!

(Okay... so maybe it shouldn't quite be considered a member of the family, despite Josh ooo'ing and aah'ing over it as if it were a newborn.)

We are so excited about our latest purchase and what it means for Glessner Photography - no more lugging around bulky portfolios and planners to meetings and the ability to display custom slideshows at events, weddings and more! We'll be letting you, our clients and fellow photogs and vendors, know more about the uses we find for the iPad in the photography business, the wedding business, and at your special event as we learn more about it ourselves.

Happy Monday everyone!

Game Night & BBQ :: Greensboro Photographer

Hey there and welcome to our brand new blog! This blog isn't just about business; it's really about sharing little pieces of our life and art with you. As your photographers, we definitely want to know and capture your story, but we want to give you a little insight into our lives as well. We're so glad you're here and hope you enjoy what you see!

As you may have read on the About Us page, my husband Josh and I are huge fans of board games and food. We are lucky enough to have two wonderful couples and very dear friends who live within walking distance (no joke), so we invited them over last night for an impromptu dinner and game night.

In true North Carolina fashion, Josh and I cooked up some pulled pork BBQ, coleslaw (actually - this one was just dumped out of a container into a nice pretty bowl), and {wait for it} scrumptious blue cheese grits, courtesy of the Pioneer Woman's Tasty Kitchen.

After dinner and some lively banter, the six of us engaged in a game of Bezzerwizzer. This game is SO much fun, and we've become a just a little addicted to it. If you enjoy trivia (and are just plain terrible at card games like me), this one is definitely for you.

Unfortunately, the ladies lost this round... we have to let the guys win sometimes, right?

By the way, did you know that Glessner Photography is now on Facebook and Twitter?! Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to stay in the know on special offers exclusively for our fans!

Until next time...