love is in the air :: greensboro wedding photographer

Today, May 23, marks mine and Josh's two year wedding anniversary. TWO YEARS! It's hard to believe that it's been that long since that exciting day when we vowed to love, honor and cherish one another for the rest of our lives (which I'm determined is going to be at least another 100+ years). I am so lucky to say that I have the most wonderful husband in the world. He is loving (even when I don't deserve it), supportive of my dreams and ambitions, and willing to deal with my crazy (yes - crazy is a noun in our house - you would understand if you had to live with me) on a daily basis and for that alone, he should receive a gold medal.

We didn't spend the weekend vacationing or indulging in couples massages and fine dining, but I believe this weekend's activities were the best reminder of our own special day. We were blessed to spend our anniversary weekend photographing an absolutely beautiful wedding for an equally as beautiful couple. Check back tomorrow for a preview of their wedding!

During yesterday's celebration, I couldn't help but notice that everyone from the father of the groom to the DJ was more than willing to offer the happy couple words of wisdom for a successful marriage. I, myself, was posed the question of what makes for a happy marriage just a few days ago. It seems that the #1 response is communication, and I have to agree that it is very important to make a point to communicate and continue to know one another. 

However, I think in the hustle and bustle of married life - the stresses of work, adjusting to another person's annoying habits (like leaving their dirty socks on the living room floor or squeezing toothpaste from the middle of the tube - these issues are real folks), or dealing with finances... don't even get me started on finances - it's important to just have fun together. When you fell in love, were you talking about money and complaining about your boyfriend or girlfriend not doing the dishes? Are those the good times that come to mind when you think of your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife? I'm betting not - i'm betting that you were on a date, having FUN, getting to know one another. It's easy to just coast through life, only dealing with the stuff you have to, but when you add a little fun in there - even something as simple as a casual dinner date or in the Glessner house, the ever popular Starbucks coffee date - it's so much easier to deal with all that serious stuff. But really, what do I know? I've only been married for two years - maybe you should check back with me in another 50 :)

Us having fun with our bridal party on our wedding day! Photo courtesy of the lovely Sarah Gutin Beaty of Eyeris Photography.