charleston - part one :: greensboro wedding photographer

Last year, Josh and I took a trip to Savannah, Georgia for our first wedding anniversary, and promptly upon returning, it seems like everyone told us, "If you like Savannah, you'll love Charleston." So when the opportunity arose for us to take a little weekend vacay to Charleston, we jumped at the chance.

We left early this past Friday morning but were met with torrential rain (i'm talking cats and dogs, folks. cats and dogs.), delaying our arrival by a couple of hours and resulting in my husband having a very wet pair of Toms, which happened to be the only pair of shoes he had with him since I mistakenly listened to him when he said he wouldn't need more than one pair of shoes for the trip. After arriving and checking into our hotel, we made a trip to the nearby outlets to purchase Josh a new pair of sandals and were on our way to downtown Charleston.

Our first stop was for a late lunch at Hominy Grill, and let me tell you people, I am in LOVE. I know I say that i'm in love with things alot, but this time, I really, really, really mean it. This place has been featured in all kinds of magazines, The New York Times, and on Food Network's "$40 a Day" hosted by Rachael Ray, and there's a reason for it.

The waiter had two recommendations for us, so we decided to just order exactly what he said and split both entrees. I had my camera prepped and ready for when the food came out, but I was so drawn in by these gourmet delights, that I forgot to take a picture before I devoured it like a ravished animal. In all seriousness - this could very well be the absolute best food i've ever eaten.

Pictured above is the tasty shrimp and grits (a Carolina dish that we've grown to know and love). Below is the fried chicken in a little puddle of sausage gravy, the scrumptious mac 'n' cheese, and a Southern staple - collard greens. Seriously people, if you don't eat greens (collards, turnips, mustards, etc.), you are truly missing out on some good eats. In the words of Rachael.... YUMM-O!

After we were thoroughly stuffed, we strolled around Charleston for the next several hours. Honestly though, this would be the way to get around. We decided that next time we visit, we will definitely be bringing our bikes...

We made our way to the waterfront, which was a great place to relax on a park bench, rest our aching feet, and cool off a little. I saw this cute couple laying in the grass talking and giggling and asked if I could take their picture... they, of course, obliged. Oh so young and in love!

Josh let me take his picture in front of the fountain...

Then I got in the fountain... 

I look a little scared, but honestly, I could have stayed there all day, despite strange looks from my fellow adults since I was probably the only one over the age of 8 that we had seen in the fountain. 

After playing in the water for a little bit, we made our final stop at the Candy Kitchen, where we had chocolate pralines (you can't even imagine how good these are) and gophers, which are pecans and caramel with a dollop of dark chocolate on top. So yummy! If your mouth is already watering, you can order these goodies online here.

Part Two of our trip to Charleston will be up tomorrow, so be sure to check it out!