charleston - part two :: greensboro wedding photographer

So continuing on to part two of our Charleston trip...

A few weeks ago, Josh's cousin Buddy from Texas had gotten in touch to see just how far we live from Charleston, since he was going there for a friend's wedding. Because it was too far out of the way for him to come to us, we decided that we would drive down to Charleston for the weekend instead.

On Saturday morning, we met up with Buddy and his family and had a great time exploring the city together. Josh and Buddy hadn't seen each other in a really long time (like 10+ years), I had never even met him, and neither Josh nor I had met his wife, but we all got along like we were old friends.


Buddy and his beautiful and so very sweet wife, Sherry, and below, their itty-bitty baby girl, Abbie... the most precious little princess I've ever seen.

This little one was a trooper all day. Despite the heat, humidity and being hauled all over Charleston, she was perfectly happy just to nap in her stroller.

After getting aquainted and having a dose of Starbucks, we caught a breakdance show on the street...

We spent the rest of the morning just strolling around downtown, checking out the market, and trying not to fry in the heat. We decided to rest a little while by taking a carriage tour...

That was our horse, Kevin. We learned all about Kevin, his likes and dislikes, and his complete schedule for about the first 15 minutes of the tour.

Our tour was of the residential district, which was full of really interesting information that we probably wouldn't have found out just by walking around. Unfortunately, the tour stomped out any hope of ever moving to Charleston, since we were informed that just the normal, moderately sized houses go for about a million bucks. YIKES! We're gonna need to book ALOT more weddings before we reach that goal.

After the tour, we grabbed a late lunch at Hyman's Seafood on Meeting Street, which has apparently been visited by a ton of celebs. Now they can add us to that list :) The seafood was really good, and the fried green tomatoes with creole mayo... YUM. 

Unfortunately, this was our last stop of the trip, and we had to part ways, but we will certainly be better about staying in touch with the cousins alot more often. Buddy, Sherry & baby Abbie - we had an awesome time hanging out with y'all and we can't wait to see you again (hopefully very soon). Watch out Texas, here we come!