michelle+brandon :: children+family :: mississippi family photographer

I very rarely take on children and family photographs. It's no secret that weddings and engagements are my true love (next to Josh of course), but I just couldn't resist when my friend Ashley's mom contacted me about photographing her and her 13-year old son, Brandon, while I was in town for a wedding. It was so crazy to see him all grown up... a far cry from the little boy playing t-ball, watching cartoons, and annoying his teenage sister while her friends were over. As a matter of fact, it makes me a little ill to think that Ashley and I became friends when we were his age.

Some may call us crazy, but Ms. Michelle, Brandon, and I decided to brave the freezing cold at 8:30 on Saturday morning before the wedding all for the sake of some great photographs for Christmas. You wouldn't know from the photos that we were all shivering, sniffling, and putting on our coats in between shots.

Here are a few of my favorites from the morning...

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS  Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Ms. Michelle+Brandon - Thank you both so much for sacrificing your Saturday morning and braving the cold! It was so great to see y'all, and I look forward to having the opportunity to photograph your family again sometime!