adam+lily :: married :: mississippi wedding photographer

I'll be completely honest and tell you folks that I was sitting in front of my computer crying like a mad woman today as I was selecting images to include in this blog, and I DIDN'T EVEN SHED A TEAR AT THE WEDDING
Adam is one of my dearest friends, and I am so happy that he chose Lily to be his wife. Their wedding was one of the most beautiful ceremonies I've ever had the honor of attending... it was filled with so much joy, love, and sincere happiness for this sweet couple, and they deserve every bit of it. Y'all know that I like to talk about my weddings, but I've been informed by Adam to just let the pictures do the talking for the sake of him getting to see them before they leave for the honeymoon, so without further ado...
Lily's wedding band included sapphires from a ring her mom gave her as a child, and Adam's ring was made from his mother's wedding band. I know for certain that Ms. Cyndi is smiling down on
you two and is so proud of the amazing husband you are and will be.
I absolutely loved Lily's garter made from pieces of her mother and her grandmother's wedding dresses...
Y'all know I love, love, love a First Look and this one certainly didn't dissapoint. Adam+Lily chose to see each other for the first time on the steps of Adam's elementary school alma mater, St. John's Day School.
Their niece, Anne, had to be the most adorable flower girl of all time... she danced and twirled her way down the aisle as she lined it with flowers.

Adam+Lily :: Thank y'all so much for being such AMAZING friends and allowing us to be part of your beautiful wedding day! We are so blessed to have you two in our lives, and we wish you all the best that marriage and a life together have to offer! Have a great time in Jamaica, and enjoy a fruity drink with an umbrella for me!
Ceremony Venue :: Pinehurst Park
Reception Venue :: Laurel Train Depot
Officiant :: John Stockstill
Hair+Makeup :: The W Salon
Bridal Gown :: Mimi's Bridal by designer Mori Lee
Groom's Suit :: J. Crew
Shoes :: Stacy Adams
Watch + Bracelet :: Etsy
Rings :: Metal Benders
Ceremony Musicians :: Brandon Davis, Brooke Davis, Jay Gandy, and Michael Trest
Reception Musicians :: Jesse McCraw
Cake Artist :: C'est La Vie
Wedding Coordinator :: Jill Richards
Florals :: Jill Richards
Caterer :: Carrie Hinton

lily :: bridal portraits + bridesmaids' luncheon :: mississippi wedding photographer

I know many of you are anxiously waiting to see photos from Adam+Lily's beautiful south Mississippi wedding this past weekend, and there's good news and bad news:

The bad news is that you'll have to wait to just a couple more days to see more photos of the lovely couple. Patience, people... patience.

The good news is that today I'm sharing a few images from our mini impromptu bridal session and her lovely bridesmaids' luncheon.

The weekend of these bridal portraits and their engagement session was the first time I had ever met Lily. I'd heard Adam talk about this amazing girl he was so in love with for months, and with all that chatter about how great she is, he'd set my expectations pretty darn high. But you wanna know what? Lily lived up to every single great thing Adam had to say about her. The girl has got it all... she's gorgeous, kind, funny, a great cook (anybody try the cinnamon peach ice cream at the reception???), and we chummed it up just like old pals.

And considering my use of the word "chummed," which I've never said before in my life, I've obviously been watching wayyy to much of the London Olympics. But I digress.

I'm so glad Lily and Adam found each other, and even more excited to say that I've gained a way awesome new friend.

Doesn't she look AMAZING, y'all? I'm in love with this dress by designer Mori Lee from Mimi's Bridal and her birdcage veil was constructed by none other than her groom.

On the morning of the wedding, in true southern tradition, Lily had a bridesmaids' luncheon with all the closest ladies in her life. The tone was fun and relaxed and featured some amazing food catered by Marilyn Fuquay of Laurel.

Here's a peek at their invitation suite created by the incredible Lucky Luxe Couture Correspondence with artwork by Adam...

As a gift to Lily's bridesmaids, Adam created these amazing pieces of art, all cut from the same painting. Be sure to check out his work here.

Watch out for more photos from the wedding later this week!

michelle+brandon :: children+family :: mississippi family photographer

I very rarely take on children and family photographs. It's no secret that weddings and engagements are my true love (next to Josh of course), but I just couldn't resist when my friend Ashley's mom contacted me about photographing her and her 13-year old son, Brandon, while I was in town for a wedding. It was so crazy to see him all grown up... a far cry from the little boy playing t-ball, watching cartoons, and annoying his teenage sister while her friends were over. As a matter of fact, it makes me a little ill to think that Ashley and I became friends when we were his age.

Some may call us crazy, but Ms. Michelle, Brandon, and I decided to brave the freezing cold at 8:30 on Saturday morning before the wedding all for the sake of some great photographs for Christmas. You wouldn't know from the photos that we were all shivering, sniffling, and putting on our coats in between shots.

Here are a few of my favorites from the morning...

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS  Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Michelle Cox and Brandon's mother son portraits in downtown Laurel, MS

Ms. Michelle+Brandon - Thank you both so much for sacrificing your Saturday morning and braving the cold! It was so great to see y'all, and I look forward to having the opportunity to photograph your family again sometime!