chicago vacation :: chicago event photographer

First, let me apologize for my absence from my blog. I pledged to be better about blogging, and well, I just haven't. I've been playing catch up after my trip to Chicago last week to see my sweet friend Miranda. And now that I've finally uploaded my photos, I just had to share them with y'all!

I had such a wonderful time in Chicago (which is definitely one of my favorite cities), and spending it with Miranda (and her adorable Scottish terrier Darcy) just made it all the better. We did lots of sightseeing, visited the Art Institute (sooo good), and did wayyyyyy too much shopping. Way. too. much. All in freezing temperatures. Who cares if you lose a limb to frostbite if you get a good deal on clothes, right?!

So here's a little recap of my trip... errr, the first day of my trip. Honestly, the D700 was just too heavy to tote around all day every day, so I resorted to using my iPhone and my 35mm for the rest of the vacay. Hopefully, once I get them developed, you'll be seeing some of those too!

Miranda Meadows wheaton Scottish Terrier Darcy by Glessner Photography

Who couldn't love a face like that? People who think that any other dog is better than a Scotty are just fooling themselves :)

Miranda Meadows under the bean in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Miranda Meadows and Elizabeth Glessner at the bean in Chicago by Glessner Photography

sign outside of Giordanos stuffed pizza in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Gotta love some Chicago deep dish pizza... yummm.

dome inside the Chicago Public Library by Glessner Photography

The Chicago Library is a beautiful place to visit... and definitely had some weird interesting art exhibits, such as this piece featuring parking tickets. Lots of parking tickets.

parking ticket art installment at the Chicago Public Library with photo by Glessner Photography

sprinkles cupcakes in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Sprinkles may be my new favorite place and if you live anywhere near one, you must find. it. now. I'm not even gonna lie to you folks... the two of us may have eaten six cupcakes in three days. Don't judge.

sprinkles cupcakes in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Miranda Meadows in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Beautiful friend. Be sure to wish her a happy belated birthday below... she's a Valentine's baby!

Chicago skyline at night with the bean by Glessner Photography

If you're planning a wedding in Chicago, be sure to contact us... We love to travel!

the royal wedding :: greensboro wedding photographer

Throughout recent weeks and days, as I scanned through the ever changing Facebook news feed, I read comments regarding the royal wedding. Most of them were hating on the media for providing so much coverage of the event and read something to the effect of, "Who cares about the royal wedding anyway?!"... and I, I slouch a little further down into my chair and hang my head in shame as I whisper to myself, "I care."

I don't watch the Real Housewives (ok... maybe I sneak in an episode of the Orange County housewives here and there), I never got into Survivor, but this the kind of reality television I can get on board with. Ever since the engagement was announced, I've been mildly obsessed with the couple. Really, it's mostly Kate with her always stylish wardrobe, her ability to look good in any of those gorgeous hats she wears, and her confident poise, like she's been training to be a princess all her life. I've been on the edge of my seat up until this day to see how this young, fashionable couple would adapt to the traditions of a royal wedding, and luckily, I wasn't the only one who was interested.

My dear friend Miranda, who lives near Chicago, and I planned a Skype date for the special occasion. Just as a sidenote, Miranda and I have known each other for 20 years since our early days in ballet together. Twenty years - that. seems. crazy! Anyways, we woke up in the wee hours of the morning, cracked open our laptops, and had over 3 hours of Skype royal wedding funness (ok.. so I realize that's not a real word, but it seemed like the best way to accurately convey the incredible amounts of fun we had) gawking at the lovely, extravagant, and sometimes a little crazy hats sported by the guests, critiquing sister Pippa's too dark fake tan, and discussing the Middleton brother (who obviously didn't get the pretty gene that the rest of the family received - it had to be said).

Here is my list of likes and dislikes for the wedding:

Likes: Kate's stunning modern version of a classic gown, Pippa's gorgeous dress, their departure from tradition (yay for rebellion!), Prince William's precious reaction to seeing Kate for the first time

Dislikes: The bouquet (don't get me wrong, i'm all about simplicity, but that just did not fit the occasion), close-ups of Prince William's premature balding (don't bring more attention to it cameramen - we already know it's there), the time difference between North Carolina and London... getting up at 4:45 a.m. and being expected to function is just not for me...

Overall, I thought the wedding was gorgeous and it only makes me more excited for my brides and their own beautiful upcoming weddings!

I broke the news to Monty that we wouldn't actually be attending the royal wedding, so he didn't have to get all dolled up...

...but he just insisted on wearing the top hat to celebrate the event :)

Have a great weekend, everyone!