chicago in black and white :: chicago lifestyle photographer

As some of you may remember, I took a trip to Chicago back in March to visit my dear friend Miranda. Right before the trip, in a dark corner of my closet, I came across a 35mm camera that I bought for a photography class my freshmen year of college. I decided to dust it off, pop in the expired black and white film, put on my 50 f1.4, and see what happened.

I finally sent the film off to Richard Photo Lab a couple of weeks ago, and I was thrilled when I got an email a couple of days ago with the scans. Though I'm not gonna be shooting any weddings with film anytime soon, it was fun to revisit a new medium. Here are a few of my personal favorites...

I loved this exhibit of the Thorne Miniature Rooms at the Art Institute... I'm convinced I could spend every day of my life in that place!

To read about other recent travels and happenings, check out more of the blog!

current obsessions :: greensboro photographer

In hopes that all you fabulous folks out there in cyberspace don't choose to label me as a loser forever, I have a confession. Today, I went to a movie. All by myself. But that's not the worst of it... I may have also eaten a large popcorn with extra butter. NO JUDGING, REMEMBER?

I haven't been to see a movie alone since college, and I must admit, it's pretty relaxing to be the only one there in the middle of the day with no long lines or trying to avoid having to sit next to someone else in a packed theatre.

And it all inspired me to do a post on my current obsessions. One that appeals to the senses... what I'm watching, reading, writing, eating, and listening to this week. So without further ado, here's this week's Friday Five.

1. Watch :: My solo movie adventure was all to see The Descendants. I'd been wanting to see it since it was released months ago, but never got around to it. Now that it's in the running for this weekend's Oscar for Best Picture, I decided there was no better excuse to go to the movies. It's horribly tragic and beautiful all at the same time. I'm not certain how it will fair at the Academy Awards with so many other great movies, but it's a winner in my book.

2. Read :: Yes. I do read Oprah magazine. I have to admit, my mom's the one that gifted the subscription to me, but I've grown to love it. The stories featured in each issue of women succeeding at what they love inspire my when I'm uninspired and lift me up when I'm down on myself. Plus, who can turn down advice from Oprah, Dr. Phil, and Dr. Oz all combined in one magazine?! Not this girl.

3. Taste :: Earlier this week, in an effort to try something new, I browsed my Pinterest board and discovered a gem of a recipe. Goat Cheese and Sun-Dried Tomato Pasta. Easy, vegetarian (if you're into that - personally, I'm an avid lover of bacon) and delish! Thank you Martha Stewart.

4. Write :: While I was in Chicago, my friend Miranda introduced me to this awesome little book called Wreck this Journal, full of crazy directions for filling and destroying it's pages. My favorite: tie a string around the journal and take it on a walk. It's definitely a great way to: A. make people believe you're clinically insane and/or B. release your inner child. Go. Buy it. Now.

5. Hear :: Young the Giant. I seriously had the song "Cough Syrup" stuck in my head for weeks after first hearing it on Alt Nation, and now, it's stuck there again after seeing it on the most recent episode of Glee. The rest of their self-titled debut album isn't to shabby either. Check it...

Now go out and enjoy the weekend!

chicago vacation :: chicago event photographer

First, let me apologize for my absence from my blog. I pledged to be better about blogging, and well, I just haven't. I've been playing catch up after my trip to Chicago last week to see my sweet friend Miranda. And now that I've finally uploaded my photos, I just had to share them with y'all!

I had such a wonderful time in Chicago (which is definitely one of my favorite cities), and spending it with Miranda (and her adorable Scottish terrier Darcy) just made it all the better. We did lots of sightseeing, visited the Art Institute (sooo good), and did wayyyyyy too much shopping. Way. too. much. All in freezing temperatures. Who cares if you lose a limb to frostbite if you get a good deal on clothes, right?!

So here's a little recap of my trip... errr, the first day of my trip. Honestly, the D700 was just too heavy to tote around all day every day, so I resorted to using my iPhone and my 35mm for the rest of the vacay. Hopefully, once I get them developed, you'll be seeing some of those too!

Miranda Meadows wheaton Scottish Terrier Darcy by Glessner Photography

Who couldn't love a face like that? People who think that any other dog is better than a Scotty are just fooling themselves :)

Miranda Meadows under the bean in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Miranda Meadows and Elizabeth Glessner at the bean in Chicago by Glessner Photography

sign outside of Giordanos stuffed pizza in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Gotta love some Chicago deep dish pizza... yummm.

dome inside the Chicago Public Library by Glessner Photography

The Chicago Library is a beautiful place to visit... and definitely had some weird interesting art exhibits, such as this piece featuring parking tickets. Lots of parking tickets.

parking ticket art installment at the Chicago Public Library with photo by Glessner Photography

sprinkles cupcakes in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Sprinkles may be my new favorite place and if you live anywhere near one, you must find. it. now. I'm not even gonna lie to you folks... the two of us may have eaten six cupcakes in three days. Don't judge.

sprinkles cupcakes in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Miranda Meadows in Chicago by Glessner Photography

Beautiful friend. Be sure to wish her a happy belated birthday below... she's a Valentine's baby!

Chicago skyline at night with the bean by Glessner Photography

If you're planning a wedding in Chicago, be sure to contact us... We love to travel!