glessner family photos :: greensboro wedding photographer

This fall, I was itching to have some new photos taken of me and Josh. Other than snapping a shot of each other here and there, we hadn't had our pictures made since our own wedding back in 2009 (by Nashville's lovely Sarah Beaty of Eyeris Photography... HOLLA!). Sidenote: I recently learned that to have your picture "made" is an exclusively Southern phrase that APPARENTLY doesn't make sense and unless you want to be made fun of by every yankee within hearing distance (i unfortunately, live with one of them, and am therefore constantly teased because of my creative verbiage), you better say you're having your picture taken.

So in November, I called up my girl Alicia White in Charlotte, who I got to know at WPPI U this summer, and asked her if she'd be willing to take some family portraits of us. Alicia is an amazingly talented photographer and a beautiful person, inside and out. I have to admit, this being the first time we were in front of the camera since becoming a full-time wedding business, it was very intimidating and slightly awkward, but it gave me so much great insight into how I relate to my brides and grooms while photographing them. In fact, I think we just might make the Glessner family photos a yearly tradition so we remember what it's like to be on the other side of the lens.

I had a really difficult time picking just a few images for this post, but here are a few of my favorites...

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Love it when my sweet husband makes me smile <3

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

I am absolutely obsessed with this Chelsea+Violet dress... for real.

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Monty... our little, starving artist...

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Alicia - Thank you so, so, so much for giving us some amazing photos!! You truly went above and beyond! I am so blessed to be able to call you a friend, and I look forward to more photo sessions in the future ;)

wppi u - adventures in hotlanta :: greensboro wedding photographer

The past three days have been a complete whirlwind of people, learning, and inspiration. As I mentioned last week, I was shocked and thrilled to win a seat at WPPI University in Atlanta (thank you Adorama). So, bright and early Sunday morning (well, not so bright since it was actually 4:45 IN THE A.M.), Ashley, Alicia, Lila, and myself hit the road to learn from a few of the most incredible folks in the industry. It was amazing to hear photographers like Tamara Lackey, Lindsay Adler, and Sue Bryce tell their antecdotes of success and struggle and share the wisdom they have gained through their experiences. 

BUT, perhaps the best part of this trip was having the chance to hang out over dinner at Taco Mac with the lovely Jasmine Star (thanks to Ashley, who you may recognize as one of the attendees at J*'s creativeLIVE course earlier this year). Although she had trouble accepting the deep South's traditions of closing restaurants on Sundays and actually obeying crosswalk signals (they apparently do neither of these in California), we had a great time laughing, exchanging stories, and talking about the power of positivity. It's all about the golden rule, y'all. Jasmine truly is a beautiful person, inside and out, and such an inspiration to me and so many others.

And without further ado, the group picture...

Thanks to all of you ladies for being so fun, uplifting, and the best travel buddies a girl could ask for. You are all such incredible women and amazing photographers, and I can't wait to see what great things this next year brings for all of you!

See more images from our trip to the ATL on Facebook.

kiss wedding books :: greensboro wedding photographer

This weekend was a great one, and I'm glad to say I feel refreshed and rejuvenated and glad to be back at the blog. Last week was one of those 60-hour work weeks filled with lots of editing, lots of email, and lots of planning for the upcoming Wish Upon a Wedding NC Launch Party. I'm not complaining folks... I LOVE my job, but I was definitely happy to have an extra fun weekend.

To sum it up, I won a free ticket from Adorama to attend WPPI-U in Atlanta next week (duh. winning.). Josh and I got to go to our dear friends' wedding at the Red Barn at Tanglewood and eat, drink, and dance the night away (congratulations Bridget & Ryan). Then, to top it all off, we spent Sunday recovering relaxing, enjoying the Pioneer Woman's tomato soup, and watching Modern Family sweep the Emmy's. Seriously y'all, we love that show. And I was pumped to find out that Phil Dunphy is a fellow Penn State alum (we are...).

BUT, perhaps my favorite part of this weekend was that my first sample album from KISS Wedding Books arrived, and i've decided it is just simply luscious. And it arrives with this super cute dust cover, too...

I ordered this sample as the exact size that is included with our Vogue Wedding Collection. A 10x10 100% full-grain leather album available to you in seven colors ranging from your basic black to hot pink (this one's Sultry Blue), seen here beside the iPhone for scaling purposes.

This album includes 10-spreads (that's 20 pages) of wedding goodness, all on 2mm hard substrate pages.

All albums are custom designed by yours truly using SWAT Designer. You may recongnize the images in this album from Krissie and Kali's Greensboro wedding earlier this year. We're also excited to announce that their wedding day images will be featured in the Spring/Summer 2012 issue of The Knot NC that will be released at the end of this year.

Sealed with a KISS. 

If you'd like to see our beautiful KISS book in person, get in touch to set up your wedding consultation. And if you're a photographer, be sure to check out KISS Wedding Books and the SWAT Designer. They will make your life so much easier, and their turnaround times and customer service are excellent.

Happy Monday everyone!