three years :: nashville wedding photographer

I was not one of those brides who was nervous on her wedding day. The morning of May 23, 2009, for me, was like being a child on Christmas. I was beyond excited, more happy than I've ever felt, and my face was already hurting from my inability to stop smiling. I was preparing to marry the guy I'd dated for four years, and on that day, nothing else mattered. It was the best decision I've ever made.


(Photos by our wonderful photographer Sarah Beaty of Eyeris Photography in Nashville)

This past weekend, we took a little road trip to Beaufort, NC to celebrate our anniversary. We stayed at the precious Ann Street Inn, strolled the streets of this cute little town, at some amazing food at Aqua Restaurant and the Beaufort Grocery Co., and spent a little time on the beach. Sometimes, all it takes is a little adventure... getting away from the day-in-day-out tasks of work, laundry, and planning dinner to remember how much you appreciate someone. I know it probably shouldn't, but it still amazes me how much fun we have together and how we always find new things to talk about... childhood memories that've never been heard and stories never told.

He knows how to make me laugh like no one else can, tells me I'm beautiful even when I'm in yoga pants and a sweatshirt from 2002 with no makeup, and always makes me believe that I can do anything. And I know that I can as long as he's by my side. I love you so much, Joshua, and I look forward to 100 more years of adventures!

glessner family photos :: greensboro wedding photographer

This fall, I was itching to have some new photos taken of me and Josh. Other than snapping a shot of each other here and there, we hadn't had our pictures made since our own wedding back in 2009 (by Nashville's lovely Sarah Beaty of Eyeris Photography... HOLLA!). Sidenote: I recently learned that to have your picture "made" is an exclusively Southern phrase that APPARENTLY doesn't make sense and unless you want to be made fun of by every yankee within hearing distance (i unfortunately, live with one of them, and am therefore constantly teased because of my creative verbiage), you better say you're having your picture taken.

So in November, I called up my girl Alicia White in Charlotte, who I got to know at WPPI U this summer, and asked her if she'd be willing to take some family portraits of us. Alicia is an amazingly talented photographer and a beautiful person, inside and out. I have to admit, this being the first time we were in front of the camera since becoming a full-time wedding business, it was very intimidating and slightly awkward, but it gave me so much great insight into how I relate to my brides and grooms while photographing them. In fact, I think we just might make the Glessner family photos a yearly tradition so we remember what it's like to be on the other side of the lens.

I had a really difficult time picking just a few images for this post, but here are a few of my favorites...

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Love it when my sweet husband makes me smile <3

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

I am absolutely obsessed with this Chelsea+Violet dress... for real.

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Monty... our little, starving artist...

Josh Glessner and Elizabeth Glessner of Glessner Photography in Charlotte, NC by Alicia White Photography

Alicia - Thank you so, so, so much for giving us some amazing photos!! You truly went above and beyond! I am so blessed to be able to call you a friend, and I look forward to more photo sessions in the future ;)