friday five :: greensboro photographer

This week's Friday Five is completely random and dedicated to a few things that are making me a whole lot happier this week:​

1. WINNING - Last week, before we left for Jamaica, I got an email saying that I had won a sweet camera backpack from ONA Bags via SLR Lounge, and I received it in the mail on Tuesday. This company's bags are super fab and some of the highest quality camera bags I've ever seen. So excited to try it out at this weekend's wedding!

​2.​ eMeals - Y'all, I have a confession. I'm a sucker for a Groupon ... I'm just the type of impulsive buyer that businesses are looking for when they decide to promote their products on that site. I'd heard of eMeals a couple of years ago and for such a great price, decided to give it a try. We've been using it for about a month now, and I'm completely sold. You choose a meal plan (right now, we're on the paleo plan, but you can select a more traditional one, low-fat, clean eating, etc.), and each week, they send you dinner menus and a shopping list. AND they even have an app for that.


3. Things that make my job easier - Who doesn't love something that makes life easier on them? Before our trip last week, we decided to invest in a circular polarizer for my 50mm lens just to try it out. Let me tell you... for you camera lovers out there... this thing is AWESOME. It has the same effect as wearing a pair of polarized sunglasses. Ever take a picture at the beach only to have the color turn out dull and washed out? Not with this baby. This is with NO EDITING, folks. Straight out of camera...

Jamaica | ©Glessner Photography_0001.jpg

4. Travel - Traveling is one of my favorite things ever, and this spring, we're doing alot of it, which makes me one happy girl. We just got back from Jamaica (which was AMAZING), and I'll be headed to Kansas City followed by Nashville next weekend. Then, Josh and I will be going to Chicago in June, with possibly a couple of short weekend trips between now and then. Not much makes me happier than being on a plane or a road trip. Well, except, when the flight has those delicious little cookies as a snack instead of the peanuts and pretzels.

5. ​Ben & Jerry's - Cinnamon Buns Ice Cream. Go buy a pint now. And eat the entire thing. SO. STINKIN'. GOOD.

​Do yourself a favor and go have an adventure this weekend!

​Keep up with the latest goings on from Glessner Photography on Facebook!