mini-session | the holzwarth family | aachen family photographer

Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0004.jpg

During our time in Germany, I had the pleasure of photographing a few mini-sessions for some fellow expat families. Not only did it allow me to keep my photography skills fresh, but I met some of the loveliest souls in doing so. We lived so close to this beautiful park, and I lugged my gear across on a sunny morning to capture the Holzwarths.

Much like us, they moved to Aachen with their two kids for a job opportunity. Devon is not only an amazing mother, but she is also a talented artist, with a focus in children's illustration. Check out her work here.

Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0017.jpg
Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0001.jpg
Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0002.jpg

My favorite way to photograph families is to just let them interact naturally and allow kids to be kids. The results are fewer tears and grumpy faces and more beautiful moments like these...

Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0007.jpg
Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0008.jpg
Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0009.jpg
Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0010.jpg
Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0013.jpg

Dad had some rad kid-tossing skills!

Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0015.jpg
Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0014.jpg

I always like to sneak a photo or two of just mom and dad into each session. They were, after all, the originals :)

Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0012.jpg
Holzwarth Family | Aachen Germany | ©Glessner Photography_0016.jpg

See more children and family images here. We're no longer in Aachen, but if you'd like to schedule a family photo session in North Carolina, contact us today!

Like Glessner Photography on Facebook to see more!

All content ©2015-2018 Glessner Photography. Please do not save, copy, edit, screenshot, or use in any way without Glessner Photography's express written permission. Violators may be prosecuted.

an update on business and life

Goodness, friends! The past seven months since I last blogged have been a whirlwind, and as you can see, this site has been more than a little neglected. Becoming a mother and returning overseas turned my life as I knew it upside down, but now that I'm nine months in to life with our little guy, I'm ready to get back in the swing of things. Now, before we get down to the nitty-gritty and in case you were wondering what our sweet boy looks like these days, here's a photo from his most recent session with mommy :) If you'd like, you can find more personal photos and updates on my lifestyle blog!

First things first, we will officially be returning to North Carolina at the end of next June, so I will be booking events and portrait sessions taking place from August 2017 onward. I will be accepting a very limited number of weddings going forward, as it is of the utmost importance to me to give each client the care and attention they deserve while also being an attentive and present wife and mother for my family. If you are planning your wedding for summer/fall 2017 or later and would like more information, please get in touch

Secondly, in between moving from the U.S. to Germany, returning last fall, having a baby, and moving back overseas earlier this year, several events and sessions failed to make it to the blog. Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be playing catch-up and posting some of these beautiful memories, so stay tuned.

Thanks for sticking with me through all the craziness! Now go out and have a beautiful weekend!

a new addition to the Glessner Photography team

Thank you for your patience over the past couple of months as I've been on maternity leave! I am happy to announce that Josh and I welcomed our son, Miles Alexander, on November 21st, and we are head over heels in love. You can read more about life with Miles on our family blog here :)

We'll be returning to Germany in just a few days, and I'll be scheduling portrait sessions and weddings again beginning August 2017, when we'll be back to the U.S. for good. In the meantime, I'll be updating this blog with occasional work that I'll be doing while overseas, as well as catching up on posting weddings and portraits from the past crazy year. I hope you'll stick around, and I look forward to working with you again next year!