how to beat the wedding planning stress :: greensboro health coach

​I had the honor of meeting today's guest blogger, the lovely Amelia of Amelia Brady Health and Wellness Coaching, LLC, at a wedding event at our local Swoozie's store just a few months ago, and she is an absolute delight. I was thrilled when she accepted my offer to write a few tips for my brides-to-be, and boy did she deliver!

Be sure to check out Amelia's website, sign up for her newsletter, and follow her on Facebook ... she regularly hosts a variety of complimentary events ​that you won't want to miss!

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So you're engaged...

Life just got a little more complicated, but it's okay because you're marrying the man of your dreams! You have a beautiful ring, dreams of a lavish honeymoon, and hopes for the new family life you're building. But, all of the stress is starting to take a toll. What's a girl to do?

​Focus on what matters most

Often times wedding planning takes on a life of its own, and it becomes almost like a full time job. Remember to focus on your new family, your husband's wishes for the big day, and most importantly, once the wedding is over, you will be married to the man of your dreams.

Take a time out

Here's a quick breathing technique when times get a little rough around the edges... close your eyes, place the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth, put your hands on your belly, and take a deep slow inhale. Upon exhaling, open your mouth and release like a big sigh (this is a MAJOR stress reducer).  Repeat up to four times.  And don't forget about your "me" time, whether that means a walk in the park with the pup, a mani and pedi with the girls, or reading a good book in the hammock. Give love to yourself every now and then; it's vital to recharge so you can be a whole person for your better half!

"Workout" your stress

Hit the gym, go for a bike ride or do something fun to stay motivated throughout your program. If weight loss and fitting perfectly in the dress for your wedding day is your goal, don't just focus on hard core aerobic burning exercise. It's important to maintain balance and stay calm... try meditation or mindful tension and muscle releasing exercises like Yoga or Tai Chi. You might be surprised by how much these techniques can help before, during, and after the wedding planning, too!

Eat for wellness, not deprivation

When our bodies are under stress, one of the first things to go is Vitamin B.  Here are some great tips to keep the "happy" nutrients in check and under control.

Nuts - High in Vitamin E which gives our skin a ravishing glow, keeps us full longer, and have healthy fats

Salmon - Contains essential Omega 3's which help lower stress hormones like cortisol

Spinach - A great source for calming magnesium and calcium, also known for its calming properties

More than anything ladies, stay hydrated! Our bodies are made up of 70% water, and it’s super important because it keeps us sharp and healthy overall.

Stay healthy and happy for your big day and beyond! Life is not a destination, it is the journey that matters. Stay positive towards yourself and others, and this day will be a beautiful, well planned success!


Amelia Brady  is board certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and received her health coach training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in NYC.  She empowers women to make lasting changes in their wellness journey by creating a judgment free, loving environment through accountability and individualized support through each step of the program.  She offers complimentary initial consultations. Please check out her website for more details and to schedule at