the return of the friday five :: greensboro wedding photographer

It's been a long, long time since I've written a Friday Five, and this week's is dedicated to things I'm grateful for this week. Despite the craziness of this past several days, it's definitely had it's high points, and here are just a few:

1. Going see the band FUN. in concert with my hubby last Thursday at Disco Rodeo. If you haven't heard this band, you must be living under a rock and you should watch the video below. Their music is the kind that just makes you want to roll the windows down and sing along at the top of your lungs. You can tell that they put their heart and soul into their music and their shows, and I just love that quality in people. This song is one of my favorites:

2. Lunch with great friends. I am so blessed to be surrounded by a whole bunch of pretty awesome people and made a point this past week to have lunch with a few of them. I caught up with my friend Marissa, a fellow photographer who I've had the opportunity to work with and get to know a little better over the past few months, and while I'm sad that she's moving to DC, I'm excited to see what great things happen for her! Today, I had the chance to have an weekday lunch with my dear friend Bridget, who's always a breath of fresh air. Our conversations tend to be a little A.D.D, but I like to think that it's a gift to be able to cover so many topics in such a short amount of time :)

3. Bubble baths. One of my favorite features of our new home is the jacuzzi tub, and there isn't much better than relaxing in that thing with a glass of wine, a good book, and my favorite sugar cookie scented Yankee Candle. Funny story actually... I never knew exactly why you weren't supposed to use bubble bath in the jacuzzi until last night when I turned on the tub and bubbles began to overtake my bathroom...

4. Client love. I've been delivering some albums this week and love hearing from our super amazing 2012 clients how thankful they are to have worked with us. There's nothing more satisfying as a photographer and business owner than to hear from a bride that you're worth every penny and more, and that their wedding day was actually one of the most stress-free, relaxing days of their life thanks in part to you.

5. Getting Christmas shopping done early (for once). I am happy to report that all of my shopping AND gift wrapping is officially DONE. Like, completely. Now, I can devote the rest of my holiday season to viewing Elf way too many times and enjoying my Starbucks peppermint white mocha while pleasantly watching all of the crazy people at the mall trying to get their last minute shopping done. (Sorry last-minute shoppers for my smug people-watching!)

What are YOU grateful for this week?

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