tailored occasions :: greensboro branding consultant

As some of you know, I have a background in marketing and public relations, and with that experience, I offer branding, marketing, and design services to a few select clients throughout the year. I met Allyson of Tailored Occasions Event Planning and Design awhile back, and a few months ago, she mentioned that she was in the market for a new online presence that was truly reflective of her. After a couple of conversations, we decided we would be a great fit for one another, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to help create a new brand and website for Allyson's business. 

We launched the brand new Tailored Occasions online look last Friday (after weeks of Panera meetings and lots of emails), and I could not be more excited about the outcome!

Check out Allyson's website and follow her new branded Facebook and Twitter accounts! In celebration of her launch, she's giving away a few of her favorite things from some great local businesses, so be sure to visit her blog to enter!

For more information on marketing and branding services, feel free to contact me