nate+lauren :: married :: jamaica wedding photographer

Josh and I met Nate and Lauren when they moved into the townhouse complex we lived in a couple of years ago, and when Lauren called us last fall to ask if we'd be willing to travel to the Grand Palladium in Montego Bay, Jamaica for their destination wedding, we were ecstatic. When we began our business back in 2010, we had no idea that photography would take us to such a beautiful place, and we were so grateful for the opportunity.

​Nate and Lauren are two of the most fun-loving people I've ever met, and their destination wedding was nothing short of that. The week was filled with beaches and pools, fruity drinks and Red Stripe, dancing, "Ya mon", and gut-wrenching laughter. These two were married in a true paradise surrounded by some of the best friends and family anyone could ever ask for.

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Nate and Lauren included some of their favorite treats from their home states and grits from their now home in North Carolina in welcome bags for each guest.​ Tastykakes and Better Made Chips made for a great pre-wedding snack.

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Lauren... you made an absolutely STUNNING bride! Jamaica looks good on you :)​

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In an interesting turn of events and due to having a difficult time hearing the officiant, Nate took Lauren to be his "awful wedded wife". Everyone, even the bride, got a good laugh out of it and it was a running joke for the remainder of the trip.​

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Nate and Lauren - Thank you so much for taking us along with you to Jamaica to be part of your special day!! I hope y'all are enjoying your last few Pina Coladas, and we wish you all the best marriage has to offer!​

Photographer :: Glessner Photography
​Venue :: Grand Palladium Lady Hamilton, Lucea, Montego Bay, Jamaica
​Wedding Coordinator :: Omeshia Peterkin, Grand Palladium Weddings
Travel Agent :: Jessica Younginer
​Makeup Artist :: Amanda Frederick
​Wedding Gown :: David's Bridal
Bridesmaids' Attire :: Alfred Angelo
Rings :: Tacori and JVL
Other :: Etsy

Engaged? Contact us today to reserve your wedding date.

Like us on Facebook to keep up with the latest news and photos!

All images ©Glessner Photography. Please do not save, copy, or use in any way without Glessner Photography's express written permission. 

101 in 1001 :: greensboro wedding photographer

Taking a hint from fabulous photographers like Karen Stott and Melissa Jill, I decided to create my own list of 101 goals in 1001 days (better known as the Day Zero Project).

Folks, I won't lie to you... this was not easy. Not even a little bit. In fact, it was quite terrifying putting my hopes and dreams in writing for the whole world to know if I failed, and on top of that, I'M ON A DEADLINE. I've spent the better part of the past two weeks coming up with my 101 goals - some involving the business, lots involving traveling, and some are just plain silly, but I'm proud of myself for sitting down and completing the list. And I know I'll feel incredibly accomplished as I check items off over the next 1001 days.

if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough
if your dreams don't scare you they aren't big enough

1. Travel to Europe again (this time with the hubby).

2. Take a trip to Disneyworld.

3. Attend WPPI 2013

4. Photograph a true destination wedding (not in the U.S). Jamaica - April 2013.

5. Buy a house/land. Closed on July 13, 2012!

6. Read at least two books a month (one for business, one for pleasure).

7. Blog at 2-3 times a week minimum.

8. Photograph a fabulous New Year's Eve wedding.

9. Rebrand and redo our websiteDone August 2012 thanks to the release of Squarespace 6.

10. Have a promo video made (hopefully, by the fabulous Inkspot Crow Films).

11. Create a video myself (that actually looks legit). Trust me, I don't wanna be a videographer, but I think this would be fun.

12. Create and teach a workshop.

13. Be published and/or blogged at least 4 times a year. Done for 2012. Done for 2013. Done for 2014.

14. Be a mentor to someone. 

15. Learn to sew.

16. Learn the art of confidence.

17. Take one day a month for myself by myself (may or may not include spa days, mani/pedis, watching really terrible TV shows on Netflix i.e. Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, etc.). Don't judge me.

18. Photograph a celebrity. Jericho Cotchery (wide receiver for the Carolina Panthers) and his family - November 2014.

19. Attend a Lara CaseyMaking Things Happen event. *Completed May 2012 in Chapel Hill

20. Attend at least one photography or business workshop each year. *Done for 2012 - Jasmine Star's theFIX, Sal Cincotta *Done for 2013 - WPPI

21. Have at least two dates a month with Josh.

22. Photograph a wedding at the Biltmore.

23. Be a better friend.

24. Be a better wife.

25. Spend Christmastime/winter in New York City.

26. Audit a class at a local university just for the sake of learning something new.

27. Learn to snowboard.

28. Have family photos made once a year.

29. Publish a coffee table book.

30. Take a pottery class.

34. Swim/workout twice a week.

35. Shoot an editorial for a magazine. Our State Magazine - "Toy Stories" - December 2012

36. Go to California. Visit Napa and San Fran. Rent a convertible and drive up Highway 1. Done - May 2014.

37. Write more thank you notes.

38. Video blog at least once a month, and be brave enough to actually post it.

39. Pay off all our debt. ALL.

40. Submit to at least one contest each year. Done for 2012

41. Have a girls weekend each year with my friends from college.

42. Try out a new recipe at least twice a month. I'm hoping my friend Bridget will be some help with this one :)

43. Go whitewater rafting again.

44. Photograph a proposal.

45. Stop comparing my work to others.

46. Spend more time having fun.

47. Cut down our own Christmas tree at least once.

48. Visit the Biltmore at Christmas.

49. Learn to speak another language.

50. Start shooting film again. *Two rolls being sent off today!

51. Guest speak at a college or university.

52. Take time each morning to meditate/clear my head/be quiet.

53. Get a tattoo.

54. Take a vacation with my mom.

55. Buy an extraordinary gift for someone and send it to them anonymously.

56. Go sailing/learn to sail.

57. Learn to ice skate.

58. Learn to play an instrument (after many unsuccessful attempts at learning to play the guitar, piano, and violin as a child).

59. Photograph a concert.

60. Make the effort to make at least one new friend each month.

61. Write an article for someone else's blog, magazine, etc.

62. Surprise my husband with a great gift (if I told you what it was, it wouldn't be a suprise!) *Done! See here.

63. Spend a whole weekend at a spa retreat.

64. Get a studio or meeting space.

65. Go rock climbing.

66. Create my dream office/workspace.

67. Learn to disconnect at 6 p.m. No more checking email on the iPhone at all hours!

68. Take a train ride.

69. Journal every day for a month.

70. Celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary in style! (May 23, 2014) Done - Check out highlights from our California anniversary trip here.

71. Get organized!

72. Hire an intern.

73. Make the choice to be positive each day.

74. Take one day to go on a guilt-free shopping spree.

75. Finally make my own wedding album.

76. Play in the rain.

77. See the Grand Canyon.

78. Revisit CedarPoint and ride LOTS of roller coasters!!!

70. Take a vacation to Vancouver.

71. Take more pictures of Monty... he's just so handsome.

72. Buy a Nikon D4 and/or another D700.

73. Take a gourmet cooking class.

74. Host a networking/educational event for wedding professionals.

75. Go to New Zealand.

76. Take a one month sabbatical.

77. Buy a 27" iMac

78. Buy a 35mm 1.4G.

79. Make a conscious decision to eat healthier - less sweets, more water.

80. Spoil my clients. Make my brides feel like celebrities, princesses, and all other things beautiful :)

81. Comment at least once a week on other blogs and forums.

82. Book 20 weddings a year.

83. Wake up and make breakfast for my hubby at least once a week.

84. Make a book of my family's recipes.

85. Put a limit on the amount of time spent on social media.

86. Get another puppy.

87. Do more shopping at the farmer's market.

88. Photograph something every. single. day. iPhone photos count too.

89. Improve product packaging.

90. Go on a true road trip with Josh.

91. Have a wedding featured in a national or international wedding magazine.

92. Go on a picnic.

93. Have new business cards made that I love!

94. Have lunch/dinner/coffee with another wedding professional 4 times a year.

95. Create my dream website. 

96. Throw a fancy dinner party.

97. Keep my email inboxes organized; learn to use the DELETE key.

98. Encourage at least one friend to make a 101 in 1001 list and hold each other accountable. 

99. Finally create my Spain scrapbook.

100. Donate $10 to a worthy cause for each item on this list I don't complete.

101. Dream BIGGER.

To be completed by: October 8, 2014.

Completed items in BOLD

I encourage all of you to join me in creating your own 101 in 1001 (and be sure to leave a comment below with a link to your own list)! Oh, and if anyone has the hookup on any of my goals, holla!!!